It is with great pride and pleasure that I inform you all that the Highlander Clan ladies completed the 5k Walk for life on Sunday and thankfully, everyone emerged from the experience unscathed!
Enclosed are some images of the day and so far, we have raised over £1500 however with some donations still coming this could reach £2000 – a great achievement I am sure you will agree!
We had donations from far and wide, from customer and suppliers alike and even our local MSP Linda Fabiani got in the act with donation! T
he race itself had thousands of participants who all participated with one common goal – to help beat cancer and we hope Highlander have done their bit with the sterling efforts of all the ladies who took part and of course, all donors have helped enormously too!
All funds raised will be donated to Cancer research UK and one last thanks ever so much to everyone who donated – your support is truly appreciated! There is still time to donate at